Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Hello Peeps!

          Well I had a morning free today. So I headed out to Barnes and Noble and Hobby Lobby. I was going to stop at JoAnne's also, but I ran out of time.

          I went to two of my favorite shops in Murrieta. I make my rounds to my favorite shops once a month sometimes twice, if I'm lucky!

         Today I feel I was supposed to see and spend time with the people I saw today.They all touched me in different ways that I needed. I hope I touched  or helped them in the some way too. Oh and of course I got a big hug and kiss from my favorite littlest girl right now. Livie at Rooster Creek. I can't believe she is already 3.
Thank you Livie  for the hug and kiss. I needed it!

        After my morning adventure, I was sitting reading "Mom Blogging for Dummies" It got me thinking. Here is this woman that has all of this information and she's sharing it with all of us. Grant it she's making money but she doesn't have to share.
I don't know about you but I can use all the information and support I can get.

        The author made the comment "The world of Mom's are very supportive in whatever we do! Support groups or just groups of women are every where doing the same thing that you are. Taking care of their Families day to day".

        I pride myself on being supportive of all of these great little shops and their vendors. In these hard economy times we're just trying to support our families. It can be very discouraging when you hear bad news. It could be about Business, Personal or some ones Health. But I do my rounds and visit.
Spreading the support.  I love seeing people I haven't seen in awhile, the hugs are the best part!
 Of course I buy what ever I can't live without!

       So I guess the reason for my rambling is to remind everyone to make sure you show your support.  Doesn't matter if it's for something good or bad.
Don't forget the hugs!

So I think the best word that this world could use and show is SUPPORT!

Thanks for listening and pass the word on SUPPORT!

That's all for now!
Talk to you soon.

God Bless you and yours!