Monday, February 13, 2012

When we say "we're out in the field" we mean it~literally!

An Affaire At The Barn is only a few weeks away!  We are so excited to welcome new vendors and embrace our returning vendors!   Our family is growing. 

  Do you ever wonder what we are all about?  We know we do, as we sift through attics, yards, garages and simply knock on doors off the beatin' path~ The good Lord seems to keep us outta trouble, 'cause we sure can find it!  We get into the most hilarious situations and meet the most intersting folks!  We always shock them with the weird stuff that we want to buy from them.

   What do we do with all of the stuff that is, now once again, loaded up in our "barn" and yard?  We host "Raw Material" sales to our shop owners and vendors.  We buy cheap and sell cheap, they take it home and create amazing art, repurposed furnishings for home and garden, jewelry and so much more!   We then host An Affaire to give them a wonderful venue to display their talents and sell their wares.

Always feel free to contact us to Pick, Promote, Purchase, Plan an Event!

Have a Blessed Day!
Sharon and Christie
Pikin Chixs